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Nathan Manzaneque

Speaker, business consultant & trainer

I help you gain more clarity in your business and in your personal life.
I createhigh impact learning experiences.

Who am I?

I have started and shut down businesses. Other businesses I have sold. But where my passion is in consultative coaching working with my team, with which I have been able to work with amazing clients. It has allowed me to create jobs for many people, and learn about the keys to success in companies of many sizes and sectors. I find it so inspiring to work helping entrepreneurs committed to their own success!

I can’t help it, I am a serial entrepreneur, and I started in the world of sales when I was just 18 years old. In this time I have made mistakes of all kinds, to be honest with you. Other times I’ve had tremendous successes. And today I am in a moment of personal and business balance that makes me very happy. I enjoy every moment and I am passionate about my reason for living and working, which for me is to help other people to be happy and to get other entrepreneurs to succeed.

“I enjoy sharing consulting, training and high-level experiences to help professionals grow both professionally and personally. When they feel they more clarity in their projects, I help them build more sustainable businesses and a much more rewarding life.”

Executive Director BTB Club Business Networking

CEO U24business Communication Training Company

Club Excelencia España President

EDVE Business School Professor and Ambassador

Business Networking Group Director

Creator of the Exponential Sales Method

Certified Coach Powerful Marketers Program

CEO at INSPIRE Mastermind

The MBSales (c) Professor

Speaker at the Digital Sales Summit

Speaker at the Consultative Sales & Inspiring Leadership Congress

My mission is…

Helping overwhelmed entrepreneurs who want to find more clarity in their projects through consultative coaching and relevant training, creating communities of entrepreneurs who share a positive attitude toward building more sustainable businesses and a truly satisfying life.

My vision is…

To help business owners and consultants and coaches like me to make a difference, and reach more entrepreneurs who need their talent and authentic contribution.


How do you want me to help you?

Emotional Marketing

According to the Entrepreneur magazine, emotional branding is the practice of building an emotional connexion with your company that separates it from your competitors, increasing brand loyalty to your brand over time.

Create and cultivate an emotional connection with your target client.

Learn how to acquire and use emotional and creative resources that will revolutionize your personal and corporate brand, as well as changing the way you and your business communicate.

Behavioural Styles

Transform your leadership through a greater emphasis on the psychology of people management and authentic communication.

We will accomplish this by aligning group and individual objectives, and by integrating the identification and adaptation of personality styles into your unconscious skills.

Make your communication inspiring and irresistible.

Sales and Results

Discover the skills and techniques to create conditions in which you and your teams can increase in confidence and performance.

Me and my team will help you set up successful habits and use tools to get sales without having to do cold calling.

Train your Attraction Sales skills and let me help your sales team to monitor results, and enter into an advanced growth phase.

Liderazgo en la Empresa

Grow your business by growing your Team. Improve performance and engagement in your business by investing in the people who make up your team. Find out how you’re going to create a positive high-performing culture in your organization.

In my Performance Coaching program, we will work with a Coaching Planning system, and Job Aid Cards, to apply new skills and behaviours to increase engagement and performance.


Get more Clarity and Find Your Purpose. When you have to re-invent yourself, the first step is clarifying your purpose both from a personal and a professional perspective.

I help you figure out what makes you one of a kind to set you apart from your competitors. Find out how you can create a Value Chain to attract and satisfy your Target Client.

Let me and my team help you come up with a revamped powerful business message to support your social media and corporate communication. Find out a deeper level of motivation to inspire you and those around you.

Referrals and Networking

The old business and commercial paradigms have been blown to bits. They no longer exist.

You can no longer sell or do your networking like you used to. It doesn’t work anymore! If you’re in a networking group and want to multiply the number of quality referrals you receive by three, I can help you get there. And if you’re not in a networking group, I can help you create and implement an Annual Referral Sales Plan to complement and reinforce your existing business strategies.

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